Collaborative agile planning tools help organizations get things done more effectively, release more features in less time, and stay on budget. Hoylu takes it a step further by combining Agile offerings with whiteboarding.
To start using this module:
1. Log into your Hoylu Dashboard.
2. Select the Agile Planning workspace found under “Create Workspace.”
3. Name your Workspace and select your preset (Kanban or PI Planning). Indicate if you want this workspace to be private. Then select “Continue”
4. If selecting your preset as Kanban (similar settings will appear for PI Planning):
a. By default, your Kanban board will have three sections, “To Do,” “Doing,” and “Done.”
b. To add additional sections, you can select the + button on the top right of your current board. By default, the new sections will keep to your previous board settings. However, you can customize each board with its own unique settings.
c. You can expand and collapse the boards by clicking on the board icon. When collapsing the boards, all the notes will be set in a row, but the associated labels (To Do, Doing, Done) will remain.
d. Using the Sticky Notes, you can easily add notes to the selected sections by dragging and dropping the Sticky Note to the section, or by double clicking into the section once the Sticky Note icon is selected in the Hoylu Toolbox. The color of the notes will align to the color associated with the section. You can also drag notes from one section to another, and the Sticky Note will automatically adjust colors as associated with the new section.
e. When creating a new ticket outside of a section, it will automatically default as a “To Do” task. You can change this setting, by click on the .
f. A Column Settings box will appear where you can change the order of the sections, delete the sections, or add a new section.
g. To change the default section, click on the pen icon on the section you’d like to be the new default section and activate the “Drop content into this section by default” icon.
h. When adding a new section, click “Add Section” and a new pop-up box will appear, where the “Color” will automatically select a color not already in use. Name the section and the section identifier (the label). You can select this as your default section, or just hit “Add Section.”
Note: These section settings can be unique for each Kanban board corrected in the Workspace.
i. To change each unique Kanban board, or to delete a board, click on the .
j. From here you’ll see the Column Settings box appear where you can make the necessary changes or delete the board.
k. There are some Global Settings that will impact the entire Module and are accessible only by Admins. As an Admin, select the “Board” icon and gears found on the upper left corner of your first board.
l. The Board Settings impact all Boards within the Workspace.
i. Only Admins can change Settings – Keeps non-Admin users from changing any Board settings, such as title, colors, or sections. If you disable this setting, the Global Board Settings will still not be accessible, but other non-Admin settings can be utilized by users.
ii. Only Admins can expand/collapse columns – This setting will lock the expanding or collapsing of columns. Only Admins will be able to expand or collapse the columns.
iii. On new column creation – By default when creating a new Board, the settings from the previous Board will be utilized. You can also select:
1. User Picks Column Style – Here you can copy the previous one or use a preset (Kanban or a template you designed).
2. Copy Previous Column – This is the current default setting.
3. Kanban
4. Predesigned Template You Create
a. To create your own template, select the Kanban specific board settings icon then select the presetadd icon.
b. From here you can add the current template to your list of preset templates.
iv. Show/Start End Date on Columns – This provides you the ability to show dates for each Kanban board. This will appear when the sections are collapsed.
v. Use compact tickets in collapsed view – This will limit the details associated with tickets. Expanding tickets in larger workspaces, while in collapsed view will provide all details associated with the ticket.
vi. Color Tickets based on Section Color – This feature allows you to turn off the automatic coloring of notes associated with a section. You can then manually color each note This is turned on by default, allowing the colors to align to the respective columns.
vii. Board Height – By default this is set to two (2) pages but can be adjusted up to ten (10) pages. The maximum board height is ten (10).
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