Hoylu Templates can now include Hoylu Wizards. When creating a new Workspace from certain Templates, a Hoylu Wizard may appear to guide you through the different steps in setting up your Workspace, including things like setting your timeline, naming your teams, and organizing your Swimlanes.
Organization Admins also have the opportunity to enable Wizards for Organization Templates. For more information on this, please review this article.
Plan Wizard
Figure 1. Plan Setup Wizard.
The Plan section allows you to name the Plan as well as control and limit certain actions like changing the Timeline, modifying the Swimlanes, and expanding and collapsing Week views. Once you have changed these to your preferences, click the Next button on the bottom right corner of the window.
Figure 2. Timeline Settings.
The Timeline section allow you to set the start date of your Plan, as well as decide on the initial duration of the timeline (you will always be able to add more weeks later on, so check out this article to see how to do so). You will also be able to control the first day of the week and program your weekends.
Once you finish this step, a new Plan will appear in an empty page of your Workspace, with your specifications.
✏️ Note: You will still be able to find and edit both the Plan and Timeline settings after the Wizard by reviewing this article.
Team Wizard
Figure 3. Team Setup Wizard.
You will be able to list off all the teams or trade names in the Team Setup section, just make sure you are separating this list with commas. If there are any existing Teams pre-programmed, you will be able to see them listed at the bottom of the window.
Figure 4. Edit Team Settings.
After pressing Next, you will be able to see the full list of Teams and edit their colors, names, and crew sizes as well. Check out this article for when you would like to come back to these settings at a later time.
Swimlane Wizard
Figure 5. Swimlane Setup Wizard.
You will be able to list as many Swimlanes as you need in this step, but you also have the option to label the Swimlanes based off the Teams you have programmed by using the dropdown menu at the bottom of the window.
Figure 6. Swimlane Settings.
After pressing Next, you will see the full list of Swimlanes, which you can further modify by changing their color or rearranging their sequence. You can also click the Add Swimlane button to add to the list. Review this article to see how you can change these settings, separately from the Wizard.
✏️ Note: Once you click Finish, the Wizard will close but will reopen the next time you open the Workspace so you can continue modifying any of these settings, but if you do not want it to reopen, click on the Don't show again on startup checkbox.
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