- Access to the Hoylu Management Portal
- Account Administration
- License Administration
- Company Information
- Company Policies
Access to the Hoylu Management Portal
The Hoylu Management Portal is accessed at: https://manage.hoylu.com
If your organization does not yet have an administrator account for Hoylu Application, please contact support@hoylu.com.
Hoylu offers organizations the option of integrating with their existing Azure Active Directory infrastructure to enable single sign-on and licensing of their users. If your organization is interested in this option, please contact support@hoylu.com for supplementary documentation.
However, this document is specific to organizations that are not integrating with Azure Active Directory for their user accounts.
Account Administration
Viewing Accounts
Organization user accounts can be viewed, added, or removed on the Users page.
Current Users is a list of all member accounts within an organization that has logged into Hoylu.
The Last Seen is when the user last logged in to a Hoylu application. If a user has not yet logged in to Hoylu, the value will be ‘never’.
The Search Bar… can be used to filter on both name and email address.
Adding Users
Administrators can add new or existing users to their organization. User accounts do not need to be in the same domain.
To add a user to an organization:
- On the Current Users page scroll down to the Add New or Existing Users to Company input field
- Enter the email address(es) of the accounts to add to your organization, in a comma-separated list
- Select Add User
- Specify a first and last name for the user
- Select Create User Accounts Button
Note: Existing account holders will be sent an invitation to join your organization. They will not become members until they accept. If you do not see the invite in your inbox, please check the spam folder. New accounts that are created are immediately added to the organization.
Removing Accounts
Administrators cannot delete a user account. Administrators can remove an account from an organization. When an account is removed, the license is returned to the pool of available licenses.
Note: Any shared workspaces that are created while a user is with an organization continue to be “owned” by an organization after the user is removed. This is important for organizations that restrict workspace access to organization members.
To remove an account from an organization:
- On the Users page, navigate to the Current Users list
- Click on the accounts in the list to select the accounts to remove
- Select Remove Users
License Administration
Admins can assign licenses from the Current Users Page. Locating the User on this page and selecting the plus icon will allow for a license to be assigned to that specific user.
The number of licenses available to assign to accounts is listed on the right under the Users tab.
Auto-Assign Licenses
The license is assigned when a user signs in. Licenses are assigned to users who have expired or removed licenses (personal or organization licenses).
Company Information
The Company Information page is not editable by organization administrators. This page provides visibility into the information that Hoylu has for an organization. Admins will have the ability to add new Departments for the organization. However, to add or remove an administrator from your organization, you will need to contact admin.support@hoylu.com.
Company Policies
Documents can only be accessed by company accounts
When selected, this policy applies to all shared workspaces that are (and were) created by user accounts that are members of the organization. Authenticated accounts that are outside of the organization will have no access to organization workspaces. There is no guest (unauthenticated) access to organization workspaces.
Note: If this policy is checked you can still allow workspaces to be shared with external users after the company policy is acknowledged. You will need to confirm by acknowledging the second checkbox in the policy.
Documents can only be edited by company accounts
When selected, this policy applies to all shared workspaces that are (and were) created by user accounts that are members of the organization. Authenticated accounts that are outside of the organization will have read-only access to the workspaces. Guest (unauthenticated) read-only access to workspaces is also enabled.
Require passwords for all documents
When selected, this policy applies to all workspaces that are newly created and shared by user accounts that are within the organization. Existing shared workspaces will not be required to set a password. The only restriction on password quality is that the password must have a minimum of 12 characters.
Workspaces are private by default
When selected, this policy applies to all newly created workspaces by user accounts that are members of the organization. The checkbox 'make this workspace private' is enabled by default.
Workspace admin permissions to all organization administrators
When selected, this policy applies to all workspaces that are (and were) created by user accounts that are members of the organization. User accounts with organization administrator role are granted admin permissions to all workspaces.
Shared Workspaces
Any shared workspaces that are created while a user is a member of an organization continue to be “owned” by the organization if a user is removed. If workspace editing or access is restricted to organization members, removed accounts will lose access to these shared workspaces, despite being the workspace creator. If you want to access the workspace from a user that already has left the company, you can check the last policy that will make the Management Portal admin also the admin of the workspace, provided that the portal admin has accessed the workspace.
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