Video 1. Updating Task Status.
Task Statuses
Once your Tasks are on the Pull Plan, you can status them. There are five different states that Hoylu Tasks can be moved into:
This state allows you to place a Task on the Pull Plan without it counting towards PPC. You still have the ability to move this Task anywhere in the Plan. From a lean perspective, these are Tasks that should happen.
This state is for a Task you are planning to have on a particular day or week that now counts towards PPC. You still have the ability to move this on the Plan. From a lean perspective, these are Tasks that can happen.
By committing to a Task, you have locked it to this day and to this Swimlane. You will not be able to move or edit this Task unless a Workspace admin reverts it back to a Planned or Unplanned state. This counts towards PPC. From a lean perspective, these are Tasks that will happen.
This is a status for a Task that has been completed and cannot be edited except to add Outcome Notes. This counts towards PPC.
Marking a Task as incomplete will automatically open the Variance Reasons menu for you to select and duplicate the original Task for you to schedule out for another day. The duplicated Task will be editable, but the original Task cannot be modified except to add Outcome Notes. This counts toward PPC.
😎 Pro-Tip: If this is an especially important Task, make sure you set a Reminder for yourself! See this article for more information.
Status a Task
Figure 1. Statusing a Task.
✏️ Note: Admins of the Workspace are able to jump back and forth between states as needed, but non-admins have to follow this sequence of planned -> committed -> complete or incomplete. Hoylu will warn you if you are not following the correct sequence.
When marking a Task as Incomplete, there are several things that can happen.
Click on the Status button of a Task
Click on Incomplete
Select a Variance Reason
Move the duplicated Task to another day
Double click to edit the Task if you need to change the crew size or reduce the duration
- Click the Save and Close button
Figure 2. Incomplete Tasks.
You can always return to the original incomplete Task by double-clicking it to manipulate any planned vs actual information and add any Outcome Notes if you want to be more specific beyond the Variance Reason. See this article for more information.
Figure 3. Adding any Outcome Notes.
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