Use the Context Menu or the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S to shift one more Tasks from one location to another in three different ways: across the timeline of a Pull Plan, to another Swimlane (either as duplicates or the originals), or between the empty whiteboard space or Boards and Plans.
😎 Pro Tip: After Shifting, don't click on anything else and just press F on your keyboard to focus or jump to the newly-Shifted Tasks.
Time Shift
Figure 1. Time shift several Tasks from one week to another.
Multi-select the Tasks you would like to shift
Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S (or Command + S on a Mac) or find the option in the Context Menu of the selection
Click the Time Shift option
Type the number of days or weeks
Click the days option to switch it to weeks if necessary
- Click the Shift button
✏️ Note: Shifting Tasks by weeks will maintain the orientation of the Tasks (a Task on Wednesday will still be on a Wednesday), but if you choose to shift Tasks by days, you may need to adjust it to respect any non-working days.
Location Shift
Figure 2. Shift and Duplicate Tasks to another Swimlane.
Multi-select the Tasks you would like to shift
Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S (or Command + S on a Mac) or find the option in the Context Menu of the selection
Click the Layout shift option
Select which Swimlane you would like to shift the Tasks (if left on "Smart," the Tasks will move to the topmost Swimlane)
Add a date if you would also like to shift the Tasks to a new date (if left on "Smart," the Tasks will maintain the same dates)
Check the Shift copy of elements box if it is a new set of Tasks you would like to shift (optional)
- Click the Shift button
Location Shift (from whiteboard)
If you have Tasks, Notes, Shapes or other objects in the open whiteboard area that you would like to send into a Hoylu Board or a Pull Plan, you can do so using the Shift abilities.
Figure 3. Layout shift Tasks from the whiteboard into a Board.
Multi-select the elements you would like to shift
Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S (or Command + S on a Mac) or find the option in the Context Menu of the selection
Click the Layout shift option
Select which structure you would like to send the elements (all Boards and Plan will appear in this list)
Select specific areas you would like to shift the elements
Check the Shift copy of elements box if it is a new set of elements you would like to shift (optional)
- Click the Shift button
😎 Pro Tip: If you already have Swimlane labels and dates set on Tasks, they will automatically shift into their correct locations.
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