Hoylu's Assets Panel houses the Plans, Boards, Tables, Templated Backgrounds, Emojis, and even a parking lot for Tasks. Click and drag any content you would like to add to the Workspace from the Assets Panel.
Figure 1. Assets Panel.
The Assets Panel can be accessed via the Hoylu Toolbar.
- Click the plus button the Toolbar
- Click on a category of objects you would like to have in the Workspace
- Click and drag your selected objects into the open whiteboard area behind the Assets Panel
😎 Pro-Tip: Use the keyboard shortcut to open it. Make sure nothing is selected in the Workspace and press the A button on your keyboard, and it will open.
Figure 2. Open the Assets Panel from the Toolbar.
You can also resize the Assets Panel by hovering over any edge or corner of the Panel and then clicking and dragging it to your desired size. Drag and drop the whole Panel by click and dragging the free space next to the category icons to your desired location in the Workspace.
Figure 3. Dock Assets Panel to the top, bottom, or sides of your screen.
You are also able to drag and drop the Assets Panel to the top, bottom, or sides of your screen to "dock" it automatically.
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